Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Stick Family from WiddlyTinks.com


erm..happy birthday to me..today im officially 13months...setahun sebulan tau..cepatnya masa berlalu..baru buat birthday bash rasanya..mummy kata cepatnya kaira ni besar..takpa mummy kaira besar cepat cepat nanti kaira boleh jadi geng mummy gi shopping...ekekek..n erm...boleh teman daddy gi car wash..yeaaa...

today?hari kaira dah pandai apa?...kalau nak tau kaira dah pandai push kereta sendiri..ala sambil duduk atas walker and push kedepan..sbb selalunya asik kebelakang jer..hehe..good job to me!atok pulak aja kaira bersiul..ala ala bird sounds..tapi yang kaira boleh buat bunyik angin jer..jadilah ekk for first time..

wah ni lagi satu best..malam semalam kaira sleep agak lewat jugak laa..around 12 pun ak tido lagi..acually dah tido dah at 10pm tapi terjaga pulak..so daddy bawak turun bawah tengok mummy buat apa..so tetiba daddy suh mummy bukak website British International School...wah dengar dengar daddy nak hantar kaira gi playschool sana..dekat pun dekat..meletup gitu..Bestnyer!!!tapi sabar ek kaira..kene tunggu 2 years old laa...so tungguuuuuu

Pre-Nursery (ages 2 to 3)

The British School offers a Pre-Nursery Unit specifically designed for children from the age of 2 to 3 years. Within this group your child will be well cared for as he or she enjoys the experience of learning through play. For children where English is not their native language, this is an ideal learning environment for effortless assimilation of the English language. The Pre-Nursery Unit provides a bridge between home and school. Within the group children learn to play and live with one another. Our aim is to contribute to children's development in all areas. This requires constant communication between parents and teachers and includes termly reports (3 a year), letters and regular verbal communication.



name : kaira humaira binti faizrafi
dob : 18 april 2009
weight : 4.06kg
place of birth : pantai bngsar medical centre
my mom : messalina binti mohd tahrin a.k.a lissa
my dad : faizrafi bin mohd ramli