Monday, June 28, 2010

with diapers and we go swim

ni saja saja nak cerita pasal berenang..oleh kerana Redang trip cancel...Kaira luahkan perasaan pasal swimming kat sini jer lah!!arrrgghhh baru berangan nak swim dalam laut..Kaira dah siap beli life jacket for baby lagi..CANCEL lah pulakkkkkk!@#$%%^%#@(mcm pandai marah..hikhik)..anyway i love to swim...kaira dah swim almost 8 months and kaira starts since 7months old..mudenyer...hehe..first experience masuk kolam not so not crying..i was so excited with the pool..first of all i've to wait for Aariz..he my buddy in this class..not to forget our new friend Megan..this is our very first time in pool..wohoo!! some cool pics..

Aariz and me

Megan in the house

take a break

kick board

i like this thing


nirvana baby

hai guys..

i think i should take picture naked

under water is COOL!!

and here we goes, some of my friends picture..
go Aariz

here u go Tindra

why im going to swimming sharing this powerful all my friends such as ayra,aidan,qishy menangis lah kuat kuat supaya mak mak anda akan hantar ke kelas wa cakap lu..
jom baca:

Researchers have documented that the stimulating effect of child-paced infant/toddler swimming lessons has the potential to increase intelligence, concentration, alertness, and perceptual abilities. Improvement in social, emotional and physical development has also been published. Of course, the manifestation of such inspired cognitive, personal and motor development takes time, patience and repetition. I have personally observed this phenomena and have confirmed this with other veteran instructors, especially in children who started lessons prior to 12 months old, but it’s never too late to receive these unique and subtle benefits of infant-toddler swimming. These babies eventually become extremely peaceful and relaxed in the water

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